I have completely zero knowledge about the movie until I watched it. At first instance you wouldn't know what the movie is exactly talking about. I was guessing between illegal immigrants ( I've read a book about it recently, that's probably why) and a young criminal being released on a certain day. Then, in between times, the movie will bring you back to the childhood days. It'll show you what happened then when the characters were still school boys. Later on, I've realised its a film story revolving around 2 to 3 problematic boys and their relationship with the people around them. Well some part of it appears to be quite shocking (at least to me). And then towards the middle you'll start to see a clearer picture of the story which is much more complicated than I have thought. The movie, however sometimes a tad bit slow, is a true good film about real life situations with almost perfect presentation from the actor- Jack. Of course and the great directing, sound recording and editing and etc.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind"~ unknown
Feeling a good sunday,
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