Monday, March 16, 2009

Cos it is

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"From the moment we become aware of the world around us, we begin to wonder about our place within it. The questions we ask are timeless: Why am I here? How do I fit into the scheme of things? What is my destiny? As a children, we tend to think of the future as a clean sheet of paper upon which we can write our own stories. The possibilities seem endless, and we are energized by the promise of discovery and the sheer pleasure of living immersed in so much potential. But as we grow up, become adults, and are "educated" about our own limitations, our view of the future becomes contricted. What once lifted our imaginations now weighs us down with dread and anxiety. What once felt boundless becomes narrow and dark." ~ Deepak Chopra

And no, I'm not into mediation.

End of,

foto: me

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"This is just an online diary and diary only means that one moment of expression which usually doesn’t suggest exact nor does it represents anyone as a whole."