Friday, January 30, 2009

bebe Spring 2009

Can anyone tell me who the photographer is? Stylist or Art director please. Or anyone that has a part in this Ad campaign. I want to know who are the amazing ones that has created this whole set of beauty.

I felt so much for this set of photographs, everything, love, emotion, dream and best of all roses, sweet pink roses. Don't you just want to look at the pictures every single minute? I just can't take my eyes of the pictures, this is so my thing.

For the rest of it, click here: Click!


Anonymous said...

Campaign: Bebe
Season: Spring/Summmer 2009
Photographer: Camilla Akrans
Model: Anne-Marie Van Dijk

Anonymous said...


"This is just an online diary and diary only means that one moment of expression which usually doesn’t suggest exact nor does it represents anyone as a whole."