Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Love* :)

I admit it's somewhat stuffy for me to wear a blazer in a typical summer day weather- hot! but i couldn't help it. lol. Oh and light denim is back! I'm glad i did not throw away this pair last summer when i'm clearing my wardrobe.


Anonymous said...
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Sharon said...

Hi Rose-this is a great, classic look-bang on trend for summer!! I love it!!

Val said...

The topshop blazer is to die for. You look really good in it :]

Katia said...

yay! I was waiting to see the blazer you got in an outfit!
Very cute, I like it a heck of a lot.
And ew for anonymous garbage, I haven't gotten any..yet. hah

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Your blazer makes the whole outfit!

karla deras said...

sube cute blazer. If i owned it, I'd probably wear it to death..seems so versatile


hi stylish friend

i just discovered your blog and he looks great

I just wanted to tell you that I met Sarah Jessica parker / Sex and the city Monday in Paris and did great shots that you’ll certainly like

I also got great shots during the sunny days in Paris

Have a look and enjoy !
and may be one day i 'll be in your fav blogs ! lol


Street style romancer in Paris

Times of Glory said...

Thank you stopping by and your lovely comment. My dear, your look is just beautiful and the jacket is truly desirable! I love the cut in front! It suits you extremely well xxxxx

The Stylish Wanderer said...

I <3 blazers, even in hot weather

J.M. Powell said...

i love the proportions that the jacket creates. plus you can just roll up the sleeves as weather dictates

Wendy said...

The pinstripe blazer looks great on you.

Human Racing said...

Those pants are great. Nice blazer too.


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