Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Vintage dress


Agathine said...

OH! elle est absolument adorable. j'adore cette forme et le détail de la dentelle...

Skye said...

that dress is so cute! What do you think where it comes from? I mean sixties or eighties? 'Cause I have to think about an outfit for an 80ies party =)

maverickandlove said...

that is so cute! i love the little polka dots!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That dress is gorgeous and it fits you like a glove! The corsage is also a really fun touch.

Sally Jane Vintage said...

What a pretty dress!

Riot Nrrd said...

Oh so dreamy. I love the detailing... and your flowery corsage.

Wendy said...

This is such a pretty dress. I like the collar alot.

Anonymous said...

wow! that's such a cute dress!!!!!!
i love it!

P said...

that dress is fabulous!

Sheryl W said...

This dress is soooooo cute! Btw, where the clothes in your March 26 entry from? :P

Anaïs said...

Salut! Je sais pas si tu parles Francais , mais bon!
J'aime beaucoup cette robe elle est adorable!!

J said...

Stunning. And the wrist corsage. Did you wear with pink or purple shoes (That's what I picture)

Monika said...

So adorable, reminds me of the petticoat I had to wear...

Sheryl W said...

ops, actually, I meant the clothes in the mar 16 entry (and not mar 26)?

Vertiginoso said...

"Feminissime" Pretty Style !!!Because "Vintage Elegance" is simply Timeless . . .

Cordially, Antoine

Ness said...

This dress is so cute, I relly love it

Alex said...

the dress is so cute and fabulous!

Andy said...

Ohhhh fabulous. I'm back! I posted something today.. check it, comment it. xxxx

Kool Thing said...

I love it! The corsage is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

cute cute cute mint green polka dots!

Selina (Flying Saucer) said...

beauuutiful dress!!

soph said...

oh i love it, such a good shape

camille said...

oooh this is more pretty .

Rumi Neely said...

SO so pretty <3


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